here’s something that really irritates me: you’re driving around, looking for a parking space, and finally you see it—the one open spot in the entire lot, and there it is, between two large SUVs. you’ve only got 4 minutes until the movie starts and it’s going to take you 3 minutes to run from here to the theater doors as it is, so it’s damn lucky you finally found a spot. you start to pull into the miracle space, and that’s when you see it—the compact car that’s been hiding between the trucks. shitfucker! that is so not cool! why does the geo need to park so far toward the front of its space that you can’t see it until you’ve already turned into the space behind it and nearly driven up onto its little car ass? you reverse, swearing, and continue cruising the parking lot lanes, stalking people as they head toward their cars and swearing every time you approach a big SUV or van that appears to have an empty space on the other side only to reveal yet another tiny car taking up a space it barely needs. it’s that moment of elation followed by that crushing blow that gets me—the relief at finally having found a spot in the sheer, random lottery of a parking lot and then the immediate reversal of fortune that sends you spiraling back down to the depths of desperation and bleakest, futile searching. it’s a cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel world.